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2018年3月,在400名建筑同行专家参与的英国纽卡斯尔BIM Show活动中,广联达Cubicost斩获BIMMY最佳创新解决方案奖以及最佳展位奖。





数字孪生是本届BIM Show 中较推崇的概念之一。Cubicost图形算量(TAS)和机电算量(TME)产品的3D建模模拟技术完全迎合了当今国际市场的趋势,而像Cubicost计价产品(TBQ)这样的高效软件也帮助广大预算员节省了可观的时间成本,令他们不费吹灰之力就能领跑数字建筑领域!



“广联达英国战队在这两天的BIM Show中收获颇丰,我们不仅让专业的BIM行业同仁了解到Cubicost算量和计价产品,还荣获两个奖项。未来,我们将在诸多线下活动,例如行业峰会中持续引燃Cubicost品牌的更多爆点,并同步在线上通过网课及营销活动进一步扩大品牌影响力,拉动增长。“广联达英国负责人Tom Young说道。



BIM Show Live是英国全国范围的高端BIM会议,每年举办一次,汇聚了来自全球BIM和数字建筑领域的英才共同参与。会议形式包含系列主题演讲、主题论坛和互动研讨会。今年的主要议题聚焦数字建筑和先进技术领域的最新动态,包罗万象,包括人工智能和预测分析。

Building on last year’s success, the Glodon UK team once again participated in the BIM Show live event at Newcastle, UK, in March 2018, and this time the team has captured BIMMY’s award of “Most Innovative Solution” & “Best Stand”.


The UK team has adopted the theme #Digital Construction Hero to bring Cubicost Software value proposition closer to the heart of the audience. With various interactive initiatives such as retro video games, “estimating Lego bricks” competition, along with live software demo, not only it captured organic interest from the delegates, but it also made the brand stand out from the rest of the marketplace.


Digital Twins is one of the more popular concepts in this edition of BIM Show Live, and our 3D takeoff modelling features from TAS & TME match the market needs neatly. The work efficiency of adopting software like TBQ also means they can save valuable time on current work while allowing them to flex their muscle in their digital construction journey.


“It has been a fulfilling two days event for Glodon UK in regards on promoting Cubicost Takeoff & BQ software to the knowledgeable BIM crowd, and we will thrive to continue more engagement touchpoints such as offline events like this, and also online via our webinar programme and other sales & marketing initiative.” Tom Young, Deputy Managing Director of Glodon UK.


BIM Show Live is a leading BIM conference that gathers for a series of keynotes, panel, and interactive seminar sessions from BIM and digital construction experts from across the globe. It addressed what is new in the world of digital construction and advanced technologies; from artificial intelligence to predictive data. Over 400 Delegates attended the 2-day event despite the heavy snows.
